Useful Business Tips in Implementing an Onsite Work Setup After Corona Virus

Business Tips in Implementing Onsite Work Post-Pandemic

Updated on October 21 2024

Are you a business owner who wish to return to your company’s normal operation after all the changes that you have to go through because of Corona Virus? You are in the right place! 

In this post, we would discuss several tips to help you make the transition of a work from home setup to an onsite work easier for you and your employees. Aside from that, we also included a bonus tip to make your business boom in 2022. Are you ready? Okay, let us start with today’s topic!    

1. Implement safety in the workplace 

One of the most important steps that you need to focus prior to the implementation of an onsite work for your business is to make sure that the office is as safe as possible for all your employees. Take note, Covid is not yet gone so, conducting safety measures will certainly play a huge difference to build brand loyalty since there are customers who are still in fear of this virus. 

To start with, you can implement an employee health screening beforehand. This includes a swab test for those who have not taken the vaccine, developing a voluntary or mandatory vaccination policy, conducting a mask waring rule, and more. Depending on the industry that you are in, you can come up with other essential rules to build a safer workplace for everyone.         

2. Conduct an employee survey 

Another way to make the transition easier for your workers is to make an employee survey weeks before your target opening. 

For instance, ask your staff on the changes that they have to go through amidst the work from home setup and the methods they discover to make the adjustment period easier. Additionally, seek for information on things that help them throughout the process. Listen to what they say and take note of their answers. This way, you will have an idea on how to carry out the onsite setup easier for them.  

Let’s say, if most of your employees enjoy a cup of coffee while handling customer support, make it an agenda to have a free drink for everyone in the office. You can also provide a daily dose of vitamins to increase their immune system while working. Surely, your efforts in giving those necessities will be appreciated by your workers. Thus, ensuring productivity once the company begins its normal operation.          

3. Be compassionate 

Just like everyone else in the world, things have been tough for your employees these past few years. Some of them may have gone through depression or other kinds of mental issues while others, are still dealing with their own problems. So, returning back to the office is going to be psychologically jarring for most people. 

In this case, you need to be more compassionate and patient to your workers. Do not expect too much in the first few days of onsite work as they are still adjusting in the changes of their environment. Instead, try to be understanding and give them some time to be familiar with the new routine. This way, they can cope up with their onsite work easier. 

4.    Handle the operation slowly 

As much as you are already exvited to go back to your normal operation, it is highly recommended to take things slowly.   

You can start by accepting a certain number of orders for the first few days then, increase that as time pass by, for instance, if your milk tea shop usually gets 100 cups of delivery each day before Covid, try to start with 50 when your store opens again. This way, your staff can adjust with the workload. At the same time, you can use this technique to determine the feedback of your customers. Are they satisfied with the taste or, you need to improve something to make it more enticing for the buyers? Is there a trending flavor that people love to drink? Maybe you can add that in your menu. 

As a result, you can have enough time to make your business better. Thus, embracing more profit and happy customers in the future.      

5.  Increase employee salary 

While it is true that things have been difficult for most businesses these past few years, it is also a fact that a great salary compensation is one of the driving forces of every employee. If they are satisfied with their income, they will most likely stay in the company for a long period of time, even in the most trying times in the industry. If not, they will find ways to get out and look for another job. 

With that said, think of increasing the salary rate of your workers this year. Instead of applying the minimum wage, make it higher by ten percent or more, depending on the financial capacity of your business. You can also give monthly bonuses to those who have exceeded their quota or, have completed certain tasks before the deadline. Anything is possible when you think more of the employee satisfaction above other things. What’s important is, offering your employees some goodies to help increase their productivity. Who knows? You may end up receiving more orders than you can imagine because your workers are striving hard to make you happy.     

6.   Offer a free employee ride 

Everyone wants free coffee, food, travel ticket, or anything that is FREE! In fact, it is one of the most effective ways to get the attention of other people. This is also true in a company. If you can provide some free goodies, your employees will surely appreciate it.      

For instance, consider offering a free shuttle bus to your workers. This is an effective strategy to help release the stress of your employees, especially those who are commuting on a daily basis. Doing so can help them save money from transportation fees while ensuring that everyone will arrive in the office and go home at the same time. Remember, a happy employee means more productivity rate in the workplace and lower number of absences due to heavy traffic in the metropolis. 

Now, if you are thinking of implementing a free employee ride, consider buying your company car from Automart! We offer a wide selection of used vehicles, ranging from small automobiles up to the larger vehicles, suitable for a company ride. Just browse through our website for the available models or get in touch with us via call or social media so we can assist you in the best possible way. What are you waiting for? Grab your business car from us now and enjoy its benefits in your company in no time!           

Bonus tip 

Know what’s coming 

A wise business owner is not in a hurry to achieve success. Rather, he takes things slowly so, he can ensure the big spot in his target date. This one is not only applicable to new businesses but, those companies that wish to return in the limelight after several months of home base work. So, before you get too excited with starting the normal operation of your company, sit for a while and think of ways to improve your products or services.   

For example, if you have a laundry shop, you can entice customers to avail your services by having a promo deal. Instead of a 60 pesos rate per kilo of clothes, you can reduce that into 50. Or, you can give freebies to your loyal customers, who still continue supporting your business amidst the changes brought by Corona Virus. A mug of free coffee or orange juice will certainly make a huge difference for those people who likes to wait for their laundry in your store. Just be creative and you can surely carry out great things that will help improve your operation. 

Yes, it is not easy to open your business once again after Corona Virus. But, if you will follow the tips above, you can certainly see positive results in the future.
