Get pre-approved before choosing a car.
1-day Sure Approval.
Multiple financing partners for best rates.
Zero down options available
Monthly Installment Estimate
Other fees added: ₱ --
Months to pay*
Two Valid Government ID's (Front & Back)
Latest Proof of Billing (Electricity or Water Bill)
Updated copy of COE or 3 months' latest pay slip
3 months bank statement
Certificate of Employment (COE) with compensation
Email docs to:
contact@automart.phEasy pre-approval
Lowest downpayment
Lowest interest rates
Multiple partners
Sure 1-day approval
The initial requirements needed to apply would be 2 Government Valid ID, TIN ID, and latest Electric or Water bill that you have.
Yes you need to get the vehicle you are buying insured to be approved for financing.
Payment terms may last from 12 months up to 48 months, depending on your preference.
The downpayment includes paying for the Insurance, Chattel Mortgage, and Transfer of Ownership on the vehicle you are buying.
You may get approved to at least 10% of the buying price as downpayment upon discretion of the bank or financing partner.
Yes, we offer 0% downpayment promos and is upon the approval of the financing partner
No we do not have in-house financing, but we have multiple partners to give you the best rate possible.
Your salary should ideally be thrice the amount of your monthly amortization.